Attendance function

Communicate with your students easily at any time
Expected results
We support students' learning through communication related to their studies.
By being able to respond quickly to students' questions and requests, students will be motivated to learn and their learning will improve. In addition, by receiving feedback and advice from instructors and administrators about their learning progress and results, students will be able to improve the quality of their learning.
Function details
Can be sent and received between students and their superiors, trainers, and administrators
Messages can be sent and received on the LMS between participants and their superiors, trainers, and administrators. Files can also be attached.
It can be used as a communication tool for follow-up emails from instructors and administrative offices during training, and with superiors and mentors.
Notify email address
When you receive a message, a notification email will be sent to your registered email address, directing you to the LMS.
Messages will also be sent automatically when you submit an assignment or sign up for a course.
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